physiological function that cleanses all unwanted impurities. These days, saunas are seen as a good way to overcome fatigue and a very effective way to stay healthy. Saunas are popular due to the fact that in a relatively short time, the body perspires a lot and allows the blood circulate faster. At the same time, saunas stimulate the activities of human organs. However, in a conventional sauna, the skin is exposed to over 100¡É (212¢µ), sometimes causing skin burn, difficult breathing, and a heavy burden on the heart. Hence, people suffering from illness can not be at ease when taking a steam sauna. Conventional saunas are also too complex in terms of facilities and installations. Building a home sauna, consequently, becomes a very difficult task to perform. But now, with Infraspa, anybody of any age enjoy an infrared radiation sauna at home. Infraspa will show you how to sweat easily.